UI/UX Designer: 5 Steps to become better

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UI/UX design is one of the most popular types of design in the creative arena, and this comes due to the great demand for this type of design.

UI/UX design is very easy but you just have to follow the right steps and learn from the right sources.

Despite this, there is no simple and comprehensive guide that teaches you all the steps you need to take in order to become a UI/UX designer. Perhaps because the field is rather recent in our Arab world.

So let me tell you in this guide the most important and simple steps that you need to take in order to reach your ultimate goal in UI/UX design.

1. Start reading about design

Your first step in learning user interface design is to understand the different disciplines that underpin contemporary UI/UX design. 

Look for the most credible sources of information and here are your options:

  1. Head over to YouTube and subscribe to dedicated channels on “How to Become a UI/UX Designer” Like a CareerFoundry channel. 
  2. If you prefer to read on your own, there are many blogs that specialize in UI/UX design and the most popular one is UXPlanet blog. 
  3. There are books that can be used in the process of gathering basic information and if you are convinced of this idea, you will want to start with “The Design Of Everyday Things”, an essential book by “Don Norman” that is considered the godfather of UI/UX design and The Universal Principles of Design provides its no less than 125 principles and tips for designing a good UI/UX designer.

2. Learn key principles

The basic rule of UX design is the user, and you’ll find that each of the more specific rules and best practices you encounter are centered on this overarching principle.

But what exactly does user pivot mean?

Well, it’s all about putting the user first and about designing with the user in mind and making decisions based on what they really need, not what you think they need.

As a UI/UX designer, your job will be to advocate for the user while maintaining the satisfaction of business stakeholders.

So you have to understand who your target users are, and know what they need and expect from the product you are designing.

Then come up with a solution that is easy to use, technically feasible, and viable in terms of budget and business goals.

You can think of user focus as the cornerstone of user experience. Branching out from this column is a whole set of rules and principles that will guide you to make smart and innovative user-first decisions.

3. Study the main UI/UX design steps:

Once you familiarize yourself with some of the basic principles behind this practice, you are ready to explore the methods and techniques of UI/UX design.

The UI/UX design process can be divided into four main phases: research, design, testing, and implementation.

4. Practice designing as much as you can:

If you want to become a UI/UX designer, the best thing you can do is practice what you learn.

No matter how many sources you glean the most information from, you can give yourself a real advantage by doing as much design work as possible outside of reading and research.

To help you get on the right track, here are 3 key strategies you can use for hands-on UI/UX design.

  1. Volunteer your design skills
  2. Redesign unwanted
  3. Apply UX design to your current job

5- Develop your UI/UX designer skills:

If you intend to become a UI/UX designer, there are many skills that will help you if you have them. 

You may possess some of these skills and you may need to develop others.

So let’s get to know them quickly and choose what you lack:

  1. Research and exploration skills
  2. Organizing skills
  3. Network planning and sequencing skills
  4. Creative writing skills
  5. Programming skills
  6. Analysis skills

This was a comprehensive guide to answer your question on: How to become a UI/UX designer


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