UI/UX Design Basics: 5 Important Things You Should Know

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What are the basics of UI/UX?

UI/UX design has evolved a lot after the qualitative boom in modern technology, and there are many important areas in design, most notably the design of user interface and experience.

This term is often repeated on our ears, and you may not yet know what it is or its basics.

So in this topic let me tell you the most important UI/UX design basics that you need to know if you want to become a UI/UX designer.

  1. Meet the needs of users


One of the most important fundamentals of UI/UX design is to focus on meeting users’ needs throughout the design process.

The term user experience itself shows that your business needs to focus on improving users’ experience with your product or service.

Thus, you need to know what users are looking for in the design (through user testing and other methods).

The design can be great for you, but remember that you are not the user.

  1. Provide global standards

If you want a design that reaches everyone in the world, you should design your product according to international standards so that it can be used everywhere around the world.

If the application provides copies for different devices and in different languages, if it is a site, surely you can do the same.

Products with world-class standards and simplicity of design are often what reach everyone.

Think of the Microsoft software package The UI of any program in the package is very similar.

Thus, whoever can use one program can use another one, or simply learn it without complication.

  1. Know your place in the UI/UX design process


For new UX designers who are just starting out or still in junior positions, the design process can be challenging. A lot of work goes into design, so knowing where you stand and your true capabilities in the process is important in many ways.

First, you will need to use different tools for each stage, as the field of user experience design is an evolutionary field and is not limited to a particular stage. Second, knowing the design stage also helps you ask the right questions for user research. For example, there is no point in choosing a button color if you don’t know where to place it yet in the design.

       4- Have a clear hierarchy


The goal of this sequence is to help users find and notice the most important content first.

It’s easy to take hierarchy for granted, but it’s one of the most fundamental of UI/UX as it ensures smooth navigation throughout the design.

There are two main hierarchies you need to note which come first:

  • The hierarchy is associated with how content or information is organized throughout the design.

For example, when you open a website or an app, you will notice a navigation bar that includes the main sections. This is the basic hierarchy. When you click or hover over this bar, you’ll notice that more content subcategories open, taking you deeper into the app or site.

  • There is also a visual hierarchy, which allows users to easily navigate within a page or section.

So, to create a seamless and easy design for your users, you need to put important content in a prominent place.

5- Accessibility


An increasingly important rule of thumb for user experience design is to design with accessibility in mind. In simple words, the designer’s responsibility is to make sure that his or her design is usable for as many people as possible. This means that your design should be accessible to people with disabilities as well.

To this end, you must remove obstacles that may hinder such classes. For example, you can use contrasting colors in your design. This helps visually impaired users (as well as users in low-light settings) to read the content on the screen more easily.


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