The Key To Nailing Your UI Color Palette

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When it comes to the UI color palette, there are two main things designers focus on. User friendliness and aesthetic appeal. It needs to be functional as well as aesthetic. Whether it’s a website for construction or a mobile app for baking cakes, if the colors are bland, it can have a huge impact on the user’s impression. The UI of a product is the first point of contact with the user, and the aesthetics of it will for sure decide the abandonment or the ongoing use of it. Whether to intrigue users or stir emotions, the color palette of a UI design communicates with its audience in various ways.

Types Of Colors In UI Design

Before you’re enlightened on the tips to craft a stunning color palette, let’s look at the types of colors that make up the UI Color Palette. Whether for your website or mobile application development in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, every product has its own base color for UI. These base colors are divided into a few categories. Primary, semantic, and neutral.


These colors are the colors of your brand. This is the color that will dominate your brand’s color palette. This is the color that builds up your brand’s identity.  Accent colors are taken up by the rest of the components in your product. It is the secondary color that adds depth and background to your website or mobile app.


Semantic colors are colors used for a specific purpose. They help convey a meaning or message to users. They are a color system with names that indicate the meaning that a color conveys. These colors help end-user developers and UI/UX designers collaborate seamlessly. Examples of semantic colors include red for error messages and dangers, green for affirmations and success, and yellow for caution.


These colors help to create a balanced visual experience on your website or mobile app. They are light hues that serve well as a background and foundation for the striking and vibrant colors in the UI. Colors that fall into the neutral category include shades like beige, cream, white, gray, and black.

5 Key Tips To Have a Fantastic UI Color Palette

Colors in UI Design

From using too many colors, creating visual clutter, or chasing the trend without considering how suitable it is for the particular products, certain mistakes in the choice of colors can make or break your app. So what are the important things to keep in mind if you want to nail your UI color palette? Dive in to explore the world of UI colors and learn key tips to take note of.

Select Your Primary Colors Wisely

These colors are the most important for your brand. Selecting your primary color is very important. Think of Coke or KFC; it definitely screams red and has contributed to creating a lasting impression of the brand. It depends on whether you want your product to have one or more primary colors. But you need to make sure to decide on this first, as it affects the rest of your color palette.

Follow the 60:30:10 Rule.

To create balance and harmony in your UI color palette, following this rule can be very helpful. Apply primary colors to 60% of your product, secondary colors to 30%, and accent colors to 10% of it. You can use the primary color (which you need to keep at a maximum of 2 or 3 to create consistency) for the background  or the larger elements of the app or website. The secondary is for subheadings or descriptions, and the accent colors are for call-to-action buttons.

Get To Know Your Audience

At the end of the day, the users of your website or app will be its target audience. It’s important that you get to know who they are and their preferences. You need to study the demographics and find out about their expectations. This will help you create a user-centered UI/UX design with a color palette that resonates with your audience. Keep in mind that colors also carry cultural significance.  In addition, while localizing your app, remember that some colors that are appealing in one country may be perceived negatively in another.

Understand Color Theory

Understanding color theory is another key factor to consider when choosing the colors for your UI. Colors can have an impact on the user’s mood and emotions. Understanding the science behind it will help UI/UX designers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi evoke emotions. When we picture Facebook, we are reminded of the signature blue. And it uses blue to evoke a sense of security and trust as it holds user’s personal data, whereas Netflix, with its striking red, screams all things entertainment and thrill.

Lookout For Accessibility

Finally, we end the list with one more key tip: accessibility.  Accessibility is a crucial factor that every UI designer should implement during the entire UI design process. Colors play a vital role in making an app or website more accessible to an individual who is color blind. A number of people have deficiencies with color vision. Hence, considering this aspect will ensure that everyone, regardless of their visual impairment, will have a great experience navigating through the app or website.


Creating a color palette is not going to be as easy and exhilarating as it may seem. It’s not about nitpicking hues that are aesthetic or trending. Colors in UI design can have a huge impact on how users perceive your app. The process requires a thorough understanding of color theories and the science behind them to ultimately craft an engaging and user-friendly website or mobile application in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


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