Worldwide Companies Using WordPress


Businesses from all around the globe are opting for WordPress as their CMS platform to develop websites. Being the best website development company in Dubai, CodeGuru Information Technology LLC makes it our mission to empower businesses with WordPress to create visually appealing and functional websites. In this blog, we are going to know about the reasons that make WordPress a winning platform for businesses in Dubai and other parts of the world.

What is WordPress?

WordPress, a more advanced and powerful CMS that you may have heard, powers about 64% of all websites on the web. It was not conceived as a website creation tool but through the years, it evolved into one of the most versatile tools. This is due to its elegant user interface, extensive customization options, and a limitless supply of plugins. And this is why WordPress is one of the most preferred choices among businesses across oceans.

Why Companies Choose WordPress?

  • User-Friendly Interface: Ease of use is the brand for all organizations who are planning to build their website on WordPress. The pretty intuitive dashboard in which users can edit their own website content without much of a technical background Companies can make updates, put new pages up or publish blog posts as easy as uploading an Instagram photo or updating your Facebook status.
  • Customization and Flexibility: WordPress is the best choice for any blogging platform because it provides more options to customize your blog. You can select from thousands of available themes and plugins to develop a remarkable online store designed specifically the way you want your brand to be reflected. Another benefit of WordPress is that it can be personalized to almost any requirement you may have.
  • SEO-Friendly: For online visibility, we all understand the importance of SEO and WordPress is one of the best when it comes to SEO. Recognizing this, the platform has been built with SEO as a primary focus and even supports plugins like Yoast SEO that aid businesses in ensuring their content is optimized by search engines. This means that this feature is widely preferred and beneficial for the companies having high competition.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, that means your needs in terms of hosting are probably also going to grow. WordPress can scale along with companies growing their website’s feature set. From adding new product lines, offering a blog to building complex functionality such as membership portals; WordPress has everything that you could hope for.


There are several reasons why WordPress is one of the favorite options for businesses. Here are some of the key benefits of using WordPress as a website development company in Dubai:

  • Easy to Use: WordPress uses a very good interface, and which is why people with no technical knowledge can also manage it properly. Its design uses visual CMS to accommodate content, images, and functionality
  • Customization Options: There are thousands of themes and plugins that support the customization process within a very rich environment. Any business can choose from a range of designs and functionality to that which best suites their brand, as well as required customizations unique to them.
  • SEO Benefits: Designers have also considered the age of search engine optimization. Clean code, customizable URLs, and a host of SEO plugins have made it the favorite content management system for businesses looking to enhance their searchability through better organic circulation.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Most of WordPress themes are created to be fully responsive, which means websites adapt well on all devices. This is indispensable in a world where users access the web on the go with smartphones and tablets.
  • Cost-Effective: Benefits of hiring a WordPress developer is that he will develop your website in the best taking care of cost. The platform is free with lots of nice cheap themes and plugins. This is a great option for businesses of any size.
  • Regular Updates and Security: WordPress updates are released to make changes in bugs, improve functionality and tighten security. With many security plugins in the hub, a website can be secure of any cyber threats.
  • Large Support Community: There is a big, supported community of developers and other WordPress enthusiasts just in the forums where you can kind equally well get oriented towards many tutorials and documentations.


Even though WordPress has a lot of pros there are also some cons that the businesses need to keep in mind.

  • Maintenance Requirements: This is why the WordPress website includes many others, but this is like another both so maintenance needs for the websites. Comprehensive updates to core software, themes & plugins, as well as backups and security.
  • Customization Complexity: WordPress is fully customizable, however, if you need something more advanced it will be necessary to design the solution or hire an expert for the businesses that do, they may have to pay developers.
  • Performance Issues: If not optimized properly, WordPress based website will cause many of your performance issues especially heavy themes having lots of plugins or the sites whose media files are in large sizes.

The Role of CodeGuru Information Technology LLC in WordPress Development

CodeGuru Information Technology L.L.C is the best website development company in Dubai that develops tailor-made WordPress solutions for businesses. Our expert team of developers and designers are experienced specialists combining decades of experience with a personal attitude to provide bespoke solutions that work for you.

  • Custom WordPress Development: The significant field is WordPress development where we hold excellence to make your website effective on all business demands & purposes. We offer custom WordPress development solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.
  • SEO Optimization: Make sure the site is well set up and SEO optimized for Search engines to enable them to rank it properly, which will in turn make you appear on search results.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: All our WordPress websites are mobile-friendly and are optimized for search efficiency. Our technology is 100% mobile, tablet, and desktop ready, created with your users in mind no matter how they choose to access your content.
  • Maintenance & Support: We also offer ongoing maintenance and support services after the creation, to make sure your WordPress site stays updated and running at its best.
  • Security and Maintenance: We provide full support services to help your WordPress site from threats and maintain it to work without any problems. We maintain your software with updates, backups and security scans.


For millions of companies all around the globe WordPress is a robust and versatile platform, to create their websites. Its simplicity, customization possibilities and the SEO advantages offered by it make it a great pick for companies of any size. It also comes with some limitations like maintenance needs and possible security threats.

Code Guru Information Technology LLC, a leading website development company in Dubai provides all types of website services. We offer end-to-end solutions right from custom development and theme customization to SEO optimization and security.


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